

Q&A和Maribel " Mari " Tapia

加州法医研究学院 at Alliant International University




Q: How did your Alliant experience prepare you for your career path?

A: My experience at Alliant prepared me for my career path by quite simply providing me with the knowledge of the various fields available to me. Since an early age I knew I wanted to be in law enforcement but the only career paths I knew of in law enforcement were a police officer, 修正, and probation in location level and large federal agencies; some of which did not draw my attention as a career path. 我没有意识到我有多少选择. The multi-disciplinary aspect of the graduate program at Alliant opened those doors for me to learn about the various career options available to me. 


A: What I enjoy about my work is the overall crime prevention role. 我相信我们都有一个使命, a purpose and that is manifested through our passions; for me, 我的目标是做一名公仆. Working alongside investigators in solving crimes and ultimately preventing crimes to better serve my community is what I love; it is absolutely rewarding. 


A: My inspiration to make a positive difference in the world comes from family. I am a first-generation Hispanic female and the sacrifices of my parents, 我的家人, and the people before me have allowed me to live my life with a purpose to make change. I have been blessed with the ability to have the choice and make the choice to not only get one degree but two. 一个很多人都没有的机会和特权. 我有这个特权,我可以利用我的天赋, 我的知识, 我的祝福, and passion to help others and make a positive change in the community around me. My parents came to this country to provide a better life for myself and my siblings and I have ensured that their sacrifices were not in vain. My master’s at Alliant has ensured that the family after me sees that it is possible to live your life with purpose, 做你想做的人吗, 实现你所有的目标. 


A: My advice to current students is to listen to the voice inside of you, we are all intuitive beings; we unfortunately have learned to ignore it, 抑制它, 或者再猜测一下. If you took the leap of faith by believing in yourself to continue your education; hold strong, 继续推动, 实现这些目标, 做你在自己身上看到的人, 成为你命中注定要成为的人, 你被召唤成为的那个人. 倾听你的内心,你能成为什么样的人,你能做什么! 你的行为和牺牲不仅对你有利, 但他们也会影响那些你接触过的人. 也许有人在监视你的一举一动, 你的力量, 你的意志力, 你的职业道德, 奉献, to better yourself; your actions on how you do this for yourself will inspire them to follow in your footsteps. We can’t take nothing from this world when we leave but we can leave this world with our lasting impact; it's up to you to decide on what that impact will be. 

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